So the day came to laod the temporary storage bin that had arrived at our house.
Louise mapped out with precision the way the bookcases and all the boxes would fit into the container.
I with my bad back went off to the Osteopath to be fixed and by the time I came home only 2 hours later the entire bin was completely done! It's a good thing I brought home lunch and some 'tim bits' as a treat.
Though the container was loaded the packing and disguising our remaining stuff continues.
Now we have to get ready to show the house. My bedroom is reorganised and it looks huge!
The living room is down to the tv, a sofa, two chairs and with the dining room area with table and chairs.
It's Sunday and we are taking a break today. Mom is at Bard on the Beach with a group from our church and Louise and I are off to help out with a tea to celebrate Heidi's mom's birthday.
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